Taoist metaphysics
Taoism is an ancient Chinese chamanic wisdom based on the observation of nature's cycles and the interaction of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). With this knowledge, the ancients created the “Taoist metaphysics”, i.e. effective tools to harmonize life. In western countryside too, the observation of nature has enabled us to use temporality to work the land and provide for our needs. For example, for the mountain farmers of the Ormonts (VD), the foundations of a solid house must be laid on a certain date. Respecting the energy of the beginning is what perpetuates the structure. While in our cities we are increasingly losing this ancestral knowledge and connection to the earth, it has been preserved by generations of Taoists. These tools enable us to seize the best opportunities, to get closer to our inner selves and to others, to draw healthy boundaries, to develop our intuition, to achieve inner and outer harmony, to attract wealth in order to heal ourselves and the world. In the Taoist conception of life, the question is not to know if something is “real or not real” but rather to understand if they are “effective or ineffective”, in this sense as something is effective, it is real. Far from being deterministic, Taoist metaphysics gives us all the information we need to make the best decisions at the best time. It also brings us closer to nature, encouraging us to explore the elements to achieve balance.
The Taoist metaphysics are composed of divination (Yi Jing), astrology (numerology and BaZi), art of strategy (Qimen Dunjia for astrology and divination) and study of the environment (Feng Shui).
Our consultations offer
“Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
-C.G. Jung
BaZi (Astrology) - Jiu Gong Ming Li (Numerology)
Arts of destiny
Following Taoist astrology, an energetic imprint is embodied for us at the moment of our birth in the 4 pillars of destiny under the influence of our Master of the Day, which is our strongest aspect. Our Master of the day is one of the 5 elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood) either Yin or Yang.
These pillars enable us to know our strengths, our skills and our life potentials, but also our challenges, like a map of your life’s journey. The chart allows us to understand any potential or hidden opportunities, and equally important the obstructions and threats that we are exposed to. The use of temporality combined with knowledge of our intern flow allows us to make the most of our personal chart, take advantage of the opportunities that come our way and protect ourselves as best we can from hardship. Being aware of our potentials and difficulties gives us control over our destiny.
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of choices you make. Chinese astrology allows you to make better decision that are aligned with a good temporality. Interacting more easily with partner, family, work and social life, as well as finding the right strategy based on a certain temporality to achieve goals will make your life more harmonious and lighter. Knowing the personal maps of the persons around you (partner, children, parents, friends) will make you understand them better. Numerology (Jiu Gong Ming Li) will as well be used if needed to get a different point of view.
Example: a child is Wu (Yang Earth, Mountain, needs to recharge in immobility) and the parent is Ren (Yang Water, River, needs to recharge in movement). Until the parent understands that their child has a different imprint, they will make them “move”. Eventually the child will feel guilty when they need to rest and move away from using the power of stillness, the power of the Mountain, which might cause stress and chronic fatigue. On a relationship level, it might cause a tension that could easily be avoided if the parent understands and respect the child’s inner flow and consequently stop projecting their own flow on them.
What to expect from a consultation?
A destiny consultation offers profound insights into your true self and provides practical tools to help you achieve your goals.
Our consultations offer
“My destiny belongs to me and not to heaven”
- Master Liu Yuan Tong
Yi Jing - Qimen Dunjia
Arts of strategy
The Yi Jing, often translated as "Book of Changes", is one of China's oldest and most influential classical texts. This system of divination and philosophy relies on the use of hexagrams, combinations of broken and continuous lines, Yin or Yang, sometimes in "mutation", to offer insights into future events, decisions and complex situations.
The Yi Jing, in its Taoist approach (Liu Yao), enables us to show a complex situation from different angles, so that we can better understand the elements hidden within the problem. With a better vision of the big picture, you'll be able to make better strategic decisions for your family life, your love life, your career or your health. The Yi Jing also helps you find the best timing to act or...not to act.
Originally devised to help form military strategy and tactics, Qimen Dunjia is a strategic art to take actions. It is about placing the right person at the right place and forecast an individual’s luck through the aspects of time and space.
The Yi Jing and Qimen Dunjia can be used to get an answer in countless situations, such as:
Professional: Should I get this job that was offered to me? Which employee should I hire? With which contractual partner should I sign? What is the best strategy to achieve my goals? Where should I relocate? Should I quit? is it a good time to take risk? Is it a good time to act or not? How to attract wealth? Should I start my own business? Will this new training bring me wealth? Is my professional activity supporting me? Do I have hidden competitors who try to harm my business? What is preventing me from having clients? Is it a good moment to invest ? Is it a good investment? Can I trust this person? Should I sue? Will I be accepted in this school?
Personal: What is blocking me? What personal activity or hobby would support me? How to behave with a person to reach harmony? Who are the persons around me, are they supporting me? How to dissolve a confict with a friend ? How to attract a healthy relationship? What is preventing me from being in a healthy relationship? Will I feel good in this new apartment, should I move? Is this investment going to bring me wealth? Is this house that I am buying healthy or will I have problem with hidden defects?
What to expect from a consultation?
A strategic consultation provides valuable insights into the situation (including hidden aspects), a clear and practical answer to your question, and a tailored plan to achieve your goals.
Our consultations offer
Coming in 2025
Feng shui - Make your home work for you
The arts of Tao help us align with Nature, including the spaces we inhabit. Feng Shui explores how a place's energy affects our well-being, allowing us to make simple adjustments to improve health, wealth, relationships, and more.
Zi Ri - Selection of date
An almanac is a reference book or yearly publication that offers a wealth of information on diverse topics. In Western rural areas, almanacs remain popular and are often centered on agriculture, astronomy, and rural lifestyles. In Chinese metaphysics, almanacs are used for date selection, helping to identify moments when the energy aligns with a specific action to enhance its likelihood of success.
Current offers
Contact us for more infos
New year consultation - 2025
Price: CHF 100.-
Consultations typically last 45 - 60 mn. In case of divination, they last until an answer is reached. They are held in the ceramic atelier in Tramstrasse 53 (8050 Zürich) or by zoom
Consultations are in French or English
2025 marks the Year of the Wooden Snake. During the consultation, we will explore how this year's energies align with you and develop practical strategies to leverage them in achieving your goals.
Launch offer
Price: CHF 100.-
Consultations typically last 45 - 60 mn. In case of divination, they last until an answer is reached. They are held in the ceramic atelier in Tramstrasse 53 (8050 Zürich) or by zoom
Consultations are in French or English
Destiny consultation
As human beings, understanding our unique purpose is essential. Tools like the Bazi (the Four Pillars of Destiny) can illuminate hidden areas, reveal why some efforts may not succeed, and, most importantly, uncover our innate strengths and talents. Knowing our inner landscape means discovering our true selves, recognizing our potential and resources, and letting go of guilt to move strategically forward with greater freedom.
A destiny consultation offers profound insights into your true self and provides practical tools to help you achieve your goals.
Strategic consultation
Sometimes, we face tough decisions that leave us feeling stuck. Tools like the Yi Jing reveal hidden energies and provide a broader perspective, helping us make wiser choices. Other times, a great idea or project stalls due to unexpected obstacles. In those moments, we can either despair or explore new paths, timings, or strategies. Practices like Qimen Dunjia combine self-awareness, environmental insight, and the unseen to guide us with clarity. Once a closely guarded secret, Qimen is now emerging as a powerful tool for thoughtful action.
A strategy consultation provides valuable insights into the situation (including hidden aspects), a clear and practical answer to your question, and a tailored plan to achieve your goals.
Destiny consultation
A consultation should always be held in relation with a specific question (i.e. work, self esteem, unexplained blockages, hidden gifts, romantic - social - family relationships, opportunities,…)
Before a destiny consultation:
Send us your date of birth (year, month, day, hour)
Send us either a precise question or a domain that you wish to explore (professional, personal, relational, …) as well as a small description of the situation.
Strategic consultation
Before a strategic consultation (Yi Jing and Qimen Dunjia)
Make yourself comfortable, sitting cross-legged or in a chair.
Take a deep breath and become aware of your support and verticality.
Formulate the question in your head (and your heart!).
Meditate for a few moments and let three numbers from 10 to 99 come to you.
Write the numbers down in the order in which they appear.
Note the exact time where the question was raised.
Send us your question as well as a small description of the situation.
Send us the numbers that you found, as well as the date (year, month, day, hour) of when the question arouse.
Our consultations
Private consultation - Destiny
As human beings, understanding our unique purpose is essential. Tools like the Bazi (the Four Pillars of Destiny) can illuminate hidden areas, reveal why some efforts may not succeed, and, most importantly, uncover our innate strengths and talents. Knowing our inner landscape means discovering our true selves, recognizing our potential and resources, and letting go of guilt to move strategically forward with greater freedom.
A destiny consultation offers profound insights into your true self and provides practical tools to help you achieve your goals.
Price: CHF 130.-
Consultations typically last 45 - 60 mn. In case of divination, they last until an answer is reached. They are held in the ceramic atelier in Tramstrasse 53 (8050 Zürich) or by zoom
Consultations are in French or English
A consultation should always be held in relation with a specific question (i.e. work, self esteem, unexplained blockages, hidden gifts, romantic - social - family relationships, opportunities,…)
Before a destiny consultation:
Send us your date of birth (year, month, day, hour)
Send us either a precise question or a domain that you wish to explore (professional, personal, relational, …) as well as a small description of the situation.
Private consultation - Strategy
Sometimes, we face tough decisions that leave us feeling stuck. Tools like the Yi Jing reveal hidden energies and provide a broader perspective, helping us make wiser choices. Other times, a great idea or project stalls due to unexpected obstacles. In those moments, we can either despair or explore new paths, timings, or strategies. Practices like Qimen Dunjia combine self-awareness, environmental insight, and the unseen to guide us with clarity. Once a closely guarded secret, Qimen is now emerging as a powerful tool for thoughtful action.
A strategy consultation provides valuable insights into the situation (including hidden aspects), a clear and practical answer to your question, and a tailored plan to achieve your goals.
Price: CHF 130.-
Consultations typically last 45 - 60 mn. In case of divination, they last until an answer is reached. They are held in the ceramic atelier in Tramstrasse 53 (8050 Zürich) or by zoom
Consultations are held in French and English
Before a strategic consultation (Yi Jing and Qimen Dunjia)
Make yourself comfortable, sitting cross-legged or in a chair.
Take a deep breath and become aware of your support and verticality.
Formulate the question in your head (and your heart!).
Meditate for a few moments and let three numbers from 10 to 99 come to you.
Write the numbers down in the order in which they appear.
Note the exact time where the question was raised.
Send us your question as well as a small description of the situation.
Send us the numbers that you found, as well as the date (year, month, day, hour) of when the question arouse.
Commercial consultations
We provide commercial consulting services to support strategic business decisions, HR management, governance, and more. For instance, we assist in analyzing your team’s dynamics to ensure new hires are a perfect fit for their roles. We offer guidance on strategic choices, such as evaluating investment opportunities and understanding the position of counterparties. Additionally, we help you determine the optimal timing for business expansion.
Price to be discussed.